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No Passengers on Spaceship Earth Stories of Resistance, Courage and Faith You have to participate. "There are no passengers on planet Earth. We are all crew." Marshall Mcluhen

FRIDAY evening venue:

Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House 
800 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5T 1Y1
Phone: 604.879.8208  Email:

SATURDAY venue:  

St. Anselm's Anglican Church
 5210 University Blvd 
 office: 604-224-1410

Whereas -

Climate change is happening now and the need to take transformative action to mitigate it is critical and urgent. The survival of all that we know and love is at stake.

Many feel powerless and paralyzed by their own fear, grief, anger and even shame, because of the legacy we are leaving future generations.

Everything is connected; all justice, environmental, and human rights issues, locally and globally, reflect certain values that must be challenged or lifted up, if humanity is to have any kind of shared future on planet earth.

We are all in this together. There is no planet B.

How then shall we live, at this time and in this place? This is indeed a KAIROS moment (a moment in time when change is possible) for humanity.

April 26, 2019 7:00 PM to April 27, 2019 5:00 PM
Registration fee: This fee includes all hospitality. (Snacks on Friday night & snacks and lunch on Saturday)
Regular $40.00
Student $20.00