During the second plenary of the #KAIROS20 Gathering, Zoughbi Zoughbi, Director of Wi’am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center, a KAIROS partner, weighed in on where the KAIROS community is today. He addressed the difficulties of healing under occupation, and expressed hope in allyship with KAIROS, partners, and Indigenous peoples in Canada. “I wish to have a strong bond with the First Nations people, to learn from them, to share and work together on restorative justice, land and reconciliation themes, and to collect the stories of hope,” he said. “We hope to work with KAIROS on exchange visits with the First Nations people. I think we are strengthening and marching together towards a collective understanding of land, Creation, spirituality and allyship and reconciliation.” Watch the full second day plenary. Support Wi’am’s work in the KAIROS Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security program. Every dollar you donate today will be matched by $3 from the government of Canada! |