Dear ,
The escalating violence in Gaza, other Occupied Territories and Israel is horrifying. As KAIROS, we join with many voices in Canada and globally in lamenting the loss of life and condemning the Hamas attacks and the indiscriminate military actions taken by the state of Israel since October 7, 2023. Thank you for your prayers and your support as together we raise our voices to call for immediate ceasefire, safe release of all hostages, humanitarian aid access to Gaza, and an end to the occupation.
At this time of writing more than 10,000 people have been killed, and others injured, in the region. Most of them are civilians, including children – and the majority are in Gaza.
Many of you in our KAIROS community met leaders from KAIROS’ long-time partner Wi’am Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre who visited Canada during the Climate, Conflict, Gender partner visit a little more than a month ago. We want you to know that we have been in touch with Wi’am staff. Despite facing the devastating impacts of the escalating violence, the blockades, office closures and heightened security risks, they continue to support the communities they accompany, calling for an immediate ceasefire and advocating for human rights. When asked for their message to Canadians they wrote:
“The Palestinian people, like all people, love life and wish to live it, with dignity and freedom, enjoying all that this world has to offer.... We also affirm every person and community’s right to security, and our basic interconnectedness, understanding that our security is also intertwined and must never come at the expense of another.”
We have also been in touch with our Israel-based partner HaMoked, who shared the following message:
“The universality at the heart of human rights necessitates unequivocal support for Israelis’ right to be safe, and the demand for accountability for the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, and unequivocal support for these same rights – security and accountability – for the Palestinian civilians of Gaza. The most important message is that there is no contradiction in working for all of this, exactly the opposite: it is in all of our interests to insist on universal humanity precisely at this time.”
You can read their update in our blog: Update from KAIROS’ Middle Eastern partners – “We will never surrender our belief in humanity”
KAIROS has been vocal in condemning the violence and calling for a ceasefire and a negotiated resolution. We are working with member churches, faith groups and other civil society groups to amplify the calls for immediate cease fire, humanitarian assistance and respect for human rights and international law. Our Ecumenical Statement was issued on October 13. To date the following churches and organizations have joined us in signing the statement: Anglican Church of Canada, Development and Peace, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice, Mennonite Central Committee, Presbyterian Church in Canada and United Church of Canada. This list is growing.
We are also sharing Member Church and Ecumenical Statements here.
Following the Ecumenical Statement’s release, KAIROS wrote to the Prime Minister reiterating the call for an immediate ceasefire, release of the hostages and respect for international law. To date, Canada is one of the few countries in the world that is not calling for a ceasefire to stop the killing of innocent lives and to help negotiate sustainable peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians.
We encourage you to call on Canada to step up. Please write to your Member of Parliament asking them to amplify these calls in Parliament. I encourage you to include a link to KAIROS’ letter to the Prime Minister, its ecumenical statement and/or other church statements.
KAIROS has a more than 22 year-long history of partnerships in Israel and Palestine, made possible through the generous support of committed and faithful people like you. Your prayers and donations are invaluable in providing reassurance to our partners that KAIROS is equipped to continue advocating loudly for justice and peace and committed to long-term solidarity now and in the future for the wellbeing of all. In peace and solidarity, Leah Leah Reesor-Keller, MA Interim Executive Director KAIROS Canada |