The New KBE Model: Spring roll out underway!There is a lot of amazing work underway as we prepare to roll out the new KAIROS Blanket Exercise (KBE) model late this spring. Here are the latest updates: Phase One Information sessions are complete!We kicked off our Phase One implementation and we’re gaining momentum! We’ve completed our information sessions at the end of April and will prepare for the Phase One roll out activities this May. Look out for our next update where we will share more about these activities and how we’ll apply those learnings to our Phase Two roll out, which commences in July. For more information about the structure of our phased implementation plan and who we will engage in each phase, please read here. Call for candidates for the KBE Indigenous Advisory CircleA new KBE Indigenous Advisory Circle is in development! This Circle will provide counsel in support of the new KBE model. The KBE team is actively recruiting for the Circle and plans to invite expressions of interest in May. For those who wish to participate, please stay tuned for more details. |