Dear , On this National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - also Orange Shirt Day - we have two reflections, a collection of resources from our member churches, and information about several events happening across the country. Visit Resources for September 30 and Events. Jose Zarate, the PWRDF rep on the KAIROS Indigenous Rights Circle, shares his thoughts about the National Day, offers some questions for reflection, and provides a list of resources. "Indigenous peoples welcomed the Europeans who arrived on Turtle Island and were willing to share resources. Indigenous peoples did not impose their values or ideals upon the European people who “discovered” the 'New World” even though they lived in vibrant and healthy communities." Read More. And Connor Sarazin, KAIROS Blanket Exercise Communications & Partnerships Coordinator, reflects on the truth of Truth and Reconciliation in the final post for KAIROS’ Climate Action Month. “Truth and Reconciliation isn’t about living in or reliving the past. It’s about learning the truth of the past, looking within ourselves and accepting its truth, learning from it and moving forward from it. “For thousands of years, Indigenous peoples have preserved the foundation and connection with the environment; that connection is fundamental to the survival of their physical, social, economic, cultural and spiritual ways of life. The Earth provided and continues to provide for its inhabitants. The Indigenous people cared for their Mother and She cared and provided for her children.” Read more. Sincerely, The KAIROS Team |